

For the latest developments on the trail. See Progress
Seven Sensational New Rail-Trails to Celebrate in 2022
Posted 12/21/22 by Laura Stark in America’s Trails

A great article about the present progress and future of the Newtown Rail Trail.
By JEFF WERNER | jwerner@buckslocalnews.com | Advance of Bucks County PUBLISHED: April 27, 2022 at 5:29 p.m. | UPDATED: April 28, 2022 at 9:33 a.m.
Dear Newtown Rail Trail Supporter
We have achieved our second goal. It took many years, but we now have five Pro-Trail Supervisors in Northampton Township. The first goal was the approval of the Newtown Rail Trail in 2020 with a 4 to 1 vote.
Year | Number | Supervisor Support |
2016 | 2 | Dr. Kim Rose and Barry Moore |
2020 | 4 | Dr. Kim Rose, Barry Moore, Adam Selisker, and Eileen Silver |
2022 | 5 | Dr. Kim Rose, Barry Moore, Adam Selisker, Paula Gasper, and Bob Salzer |
- Dr. Kim Rose and Barry Moore voted for the Newtown Rail Trail in 2016.
- Dr. Kim Rose, Barry Moore, Eileen Silver and Adam Selisker voted for both the Newtown Rail Trail and the Master-Trail-Bicycle-Facilities-Plan in 2020 and were on the steering committee.
- Paula Gasper and Bob Salzer provided the following statement in October of 2021 supporting both the Newtown Rail Trail and the Master-Trail-Bicycle-Facilities-Plan.
“We support the ongoing process approved by the Northampton Township Board of Supervisors in conjunction with the Newtown Rail Trail and the Master-Trail-Bicycle-Facilities-Plan to work together with the Bucks County Planners, the RTC, the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission (DRVPC) and the Friends of the Newtown Rail Trail to implement the plan to connect trails and neighborhood bike routes within our Township including the Newtown Rail Trail.”
Paula Gasper and Bob Salzer
And to our two former supervisors. A thank you to Eileen Silver for supporting the Northampton Trails and being a part of the steering committee, and Frank O’Donnell for initiating the Master-Trail-Bicycle-Facilities-Plan and being part of the steering committee.
Thank you to everyone who supported this effort throughout the years!
Friends of the Newtown Rail Trail

For the latest developments on the trail. See Progress
For what you can do to help. See What you can do

We have changed our Facebook name to “Friends of the Newtown Rail Trail”. This change represents our current goals from working to have the trail approved to supporting the Bucks County Planning Commission with their objective of constructing the Newtown Rail Trail.
The “Newtown Rail Trail” and the “Northampton-Township-Master-Trail-Bicycle-Facilities-Plan” were approved 4 to 1 by the Northampton Supervisors. Thank you to Dr. Kim Rose, Barry Moore, Adam Selisker, and Eileen Silver!
Thank you to everyone’s effort getting to this day!
Video of the approval meeting: Click here for Video
Bucks County Courier Times article: Click here for Article
We have “NO” affiliation with Facebook page The Newtown Rail Trail, the pictures and the video insult residents against the Newtown Rail Trail and does not represent our values.
The Northampton-Township-Master-Trail-Bicycle-Facilities-Plan is published for review. This is the “Newtown Rail Trail” along with 10 other proposed trails. Click here for Link
Video of the Bucks County Planning Commission presentation: Click here for Video
Posters at the Library
Our group is “Northampton Residents for the Newtown Rail Trail”
The goal is to make the Newtown Rail Trail a reality in Northampton and into Newtown.
The Newtown Rail Trail will be a 8 mile “Bucks County Park” and an extension of the 14 mile Pennypack Creek Trail, ending in Newtown. It will utilize the Right of Way of SEPTA’s former R8 Newtown / Fox Chase Rail Line. This rail line has been unused since 1983. SEPTA owns the ground and the County will hold the lease for this trail segment.
In 2022, When the Upper Southampton Section is complete, the trail will be extended to Bristol Road. Middletown, Newtown, and Newtown borough have already approved a resolution of support for the trail.
Facts from the Bucks County Planners:
- SEPTA owns the ground and the County will hold the lease for this trail segment.
- Middletown (George School) supportive of the project, Newtown and Newtown Borough have already approved a resolution of support for the Newtown Rail Trail.
- The Newtown Rail Trail will be a County Park.
- The County will handle major repairs.